Thoughtful in The Dark

In Hoc Signo Vinces

Ralph Cortes Season 4 Episode 13

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The night before the battle with Maxentius at the Milvian Bridge, Constantine had a vision. He saw a cross of light in the sky with the inscription, "In this sign, you will conquer." He shared this divine encounter with his soldiers, instilling in them a newfound courage and faith. This is precisely where our focus is with this episode: faith. I hope you like it! — Ralph


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Speaker 1:

In the year 312, constantine took control of the Roman Empire by defeating Maxentius at Milvian Bridge. In the early Christian era, lactantius wrote that, before the battle, constantine was directed in a dream to cause the heavenly sign to be delineated on the shields of his soldiers, and so to proceed to battle the shields of his soldiers, and so to proceed to battle. He did as he had been commanded and he marked on their shields the letter X, with a perpendicular line drawn through it and turned, thus at the top being the cipher of Christ. On the descurtion's sun of Rome, a soldier named Marcus found himself amidst the chaos of the impending battle of the Milvian Bridge. He was a loyal soldier under the command of Constantine, a man who was not just his leader but also his inspiration. That night, before the battle, constantine had a vision. He saw a cross of light in the sky with the inscription In this sign, you will conquer. He shared this divine encounter with his soldiers, instilling in them a newfound courage in faith.

Speaker 1:

Faith in its broadest sense is a profound belief or trust in a particular reality, often involving a higher power or deity or a certain set of religious doctrines. It can also refer to a positive outlook and trust in life itself or a deep confidence in the reliability of a person, idea or thing. The effects of faith on a person can be multifaceted or profound. Faith can provide a sense of peace, purpose and direction. It can help individuals cope with life's challenges and uncertainties, offering comfort in times of distress and adversity. Many people derive their moral and ethical guidelines from their faith. Thank you difficult times. It can inspire resilience and perseverance, helping individuals navigate through hardships and maintain hope for the future. This is where Marcus found himself. He thought of his family back at home, his wife, his kids, his parents.

Speaker 1:

As dawn broke, marcus stood on the battlefield, the vision of the cross etched in his mind. He felt an inexplicable sense of calm amidst the storm of war. The image of the cross became his beacon, guiding him through the tumultuous sea of clashing swords and falling comrades. The battle raged on and Marcus fought valiantly, the vision of the cross fueling his courage. He saw Constantine leading from the front, his determination unwavering, his faith unshaken. The sight of their leader, so resolute and fearless, spurred the soldiers on. As the day wore on, the tides of the battle began to turn. The forces opposing Constantine started to falter, their lines breaking under the relentless assault, marcus could see the victory within their grasp. Finally, as the sun began to set the painting sky with the hues of victory, the opposing forces retreated. The opposing forces retreated. A cheer erupted from Constantine's men. They had won. The vision had come true. Marcus, standing amidst his brothers in arms, looked up at the sky. The cross that had appeared in the leader's vision had led them to victory. He felt a surge of gratitude and relief. The battle was over and they had emerged victorious.

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We all have our daily battles. We all rage private wars that no one knows anything about. Sometimes we feel as though we have reached the end of the line. We have reached that precipice of despair.

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But if there's something that Marcus' story and Constantine's victory has shown us, it's the fact that faith can carry us through the darkest moments in ways that our own efforts cannot. And, most importantly, when we have in practice faith, it pleases God. His favor will always be upon us. Hebrews 11.6 makes it clear. But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. Without faith, we simply cannot please God.

Speaker 1:

If Constantine was able to defeat Maxentius against the greatest of all odds, so too would we be able to conquer our greatest challenges and battles. It is a promise, it is written and, as the vision of Constantine and the Battle of Milian Bridge sit now in history records, the effects of faith in our lives remain alive. It is still here with you and with me. It is still here with you and with me. Let us cling to it in purpose and belief, and we will also scream with the utmost joy in our hearts Gratias a Godi Vicrucis. Thanks to the cross, I am victorious. Thank you.