Thoughtful in The Dark

Interview With the Ghost

Ralph Cortes Season 4 Episode 14

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Step into the shadows with us as we recount Mark's spine-tingling solo ghost hunting adventure in the deserted town of Salinas, near Puerto Rico's south border. With a daring heart and a quest for the unknown, Mark enters an abandoned wooden house only to confront a mysterious shadowy figure. But this is no ordinary ghost story — the entity claims to be a fallen angel, unveiling biblical references that hint at a spiritual warfare far deeper than the ghostly lore Mark was expecting. Hold your breath as we unravel this chilling encounter that left Mark grappling with the very essence of the supernatural. — Ralph

Music by: Alex Grohl - Lightning Traveler

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Speaker 1:

A ghost hunter is an individual or a member of a group who investigates and explores places that are reported to be hunted by ghosts. They use a variety of scientific equipment and methods with the aim of collecting evidence of the existence of the supernatural entities, often referred to as ghosts. This includes audio recordings, video footage, photographs and readings from various electronic devices. Ghost hunters often conduct their investigations at night, when it is believed that ghostly activity is more prevalent. They visit locations such as old buildings, cemeteries, historical sites and even private residencies. Their goal, basically, is not only to gather evidence, but also to understand the stories and histories behind these alleged huntings. It is important to note that ghost hunting is a field that is met with skepticism, as the evidence collected is often subjective and unverifiable scientifically. However, for those who participate in it, it can be an exciting exploration of the unknown, and this sense of answering questions and experiencing the rare is what called Mark's attention to ghost hunting. He has seen many videos, read books and even visited some allegedly hunted places in search of such an adrenaline shot. But on the night of December 14th 1979, mark found himself in the midst of an event that forever changed the course of his life. In an effort to gather information and possibly to gain an understanding of what ghost hunting entails, he decided to investigate an abandoned property in a remote desert town called Salinas, located near Puerto Rico's south border. His previous investigation had revealed a number of reports and accounts of paranormal activity at this location. At this location there was very little that Mark knew about the town and the property, but he did know that there had been evidence of disembodied voices, moving shadows and even severe temperature fluctuations, which are commonly associated with spiritual phenomena. It seemed to him that whatever evidence he gathered, no matter how little it may be, would definitely be a success in the new endeavor he had taken on. He arrived in the town near the property at approximately 11.23 that evening. As he took all of his equipment out, he cautiously inspected the surrounding areas before beginning the investigation. It occurred to him several times that having another person present might have been beneficial. It could have been an assistant or a helper of some sort. Despite this, mark decided to undertake this case by himself.

Speaker 1:

For some strange reason, upon reaching the entrance of the old wooden property, he took a deep breath and stepped inside. He reached out and turned the knob, the door opening with a long, eerie creak Inside the house was still as a grave the silence, only broken by the distant sounds of night crickets. Mark switched on his flashlight, its beam cutting through the darkness, revealing a room trapped in time. As he ventured deeper into the house, each room told a story, a snapshot of lifelong past. The air was thick with dust and the scent of old wood, and Mark could almost hear the whispers of the past. But Mark was not here for the past. He was here for the unseen, the spirits that dwell in the shadows.

Speaker 1:

In the heart of the house he found an old study, a room filled with dusty books and faded photographs. As he scanned the room, his flashlight beam fell upon an old, worn-out diary laying on the desk. He picked it up, the leather cover cracked and brittle under his touch. As he flipped through the yellow pages, he found entries of the house's previous owner, a man named Oliver. The entries spoke of strange occurrences, objects moving on their own. The entries spoke of strange occurrences, objects moving on their own, of whispers in the night. The last entry, dated over 50 years ago, spoke of a presence that Oliver believed was trying to communicate with him. Mark felt a shiver run down his spine. This was it, the confirmation he needed. He wasn't alone in this house, just them. A cold dust of wind blew through the room, causing the pages of the diary to flutter wildly. Mark looked up just in time to see a shadowy figure standing in the doorway. His heart pounded in his chest as he met the gaze of his apparition.

Speaker 2:

Uh, who are you?

Speaker 3:

My name is irrelevant and not needed. Do not be concerned about that.

Speaker 2:

Uh, are you here to harm me? Because I could leave if you want me to.

Speaker 3:

Relax. If I wanted to hurt you, I could have done it many years ago. In fact, I did try a couple times, you know, but your protection is an effective one.

Speaker 2:

Wait, what? What do you mean by that? Are you Oliver?

Speaker 3:

No, I am the entity that tried to communicate with him many years ago, but it was not meant to be. Now I am rewarded with your company, so come on, sit down, relax, let's talk a bit.

Speaker 2:

What can we possibly talk about? What are you trying to communicate with me here?

Speaker 3:

What are you trying to communicate with me here? Let's begin with you. Shall we Tell me? Why are you here? What do you seek? If what you seek are answers for your pathetic ghost hunting attire, then today is your lucky day. After centuries of doing this, a small break cannot harm me anymore and, believe me, I am more knowledgeable than you think.

Speaker 2:

Are you a? Are you, are you a ghost? What are you?

Speaker 3:

Let us begin with that. Mark. Hey, wait, hold on. I never told you my name. How do you know my name? That is also irrelevant and does not need explanation. Do not be concerned about that. But as far as your question is concerned, the answer is no, I am not a ghost. In fact, I am not a ghost. In fact, ghosts do not exist, at least not in the way you all think. Ghosts are we the remnants of the third of all angels that were cast out in disobedience from the presence of the Almighty?

Speaker 2:

Wait, wait, wait. What Are you telling me that you are?

Speaker 3:

uh, yes indeed, Please take notes, Mark. Consider what Ephesians 6, verses 11 and 12 say.

Speaker 2:

Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the vials of the devil, for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. So yes, you are then telling me that you are A demon.

Speaker 3:

Yes, mark, a demon.

Speaker 3:

Yes, mark, I am the manifestation of dark forces here, on Earth and we are everywhere in different shapes and showings. We are controlling most of what people think is benign, even when many people think they are celestial or godly signs. Wait, you can do that. Oh yeah, we have been doing this since day one on earth. We are particularly skilled in tricking you all. To be honest, you are all so naive and gullible that it is a stroll in the park literally to control your thoughts and minds. Read, if you may, 2 Corinthians 11, verses 14 and 15, where they say and no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

Speaker 2:

It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve. Wait, is that the reason why you are telling me these things? Your end? Well, we all know what happens to you, but what about us? Tell me, what about good natured people that die in full faith and love of God? They believe the believers. Are they not angels now? Don't they become angels of light when they die?

Speaker 3:

That Mark is another misconception you all have and that it is in part thanks to my boss's masterly of controlling generational dialogues and facts throughout time. Mostly everything you know is inaccurate, but oral tradition has made it acceptable, giving us a win for the run. Every single day, Read Psalms, chapter 8, verses 4 and 5.

Speaker 2:

And they say what is man that you, lord, are mindful of him, and the son of man that you visit him, for you have made him a little lower than the angels, and you have crowned him with glory and honor.

Speaker 3:

You see, you are all beneath a certain level of creation that equals that of angels. Nevertheless, god has given you all a spiritual manifestation of his love, grace and experience that angels could only dream of. So know, mark, good people do not become angels when they die. They simply rest until called by the Almighty upon his return.

Speaker 2:

Please, no, please continue.

Speaker 3:

Everything you see in this world concerning the paranormal and everything that deals with spirituality as it relates to ghosts is us. It has always been us. Revelation, chapter 12, verse 9, explains it.

Speaker 2:

So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world. He was cast to the earth and his angels were cast out with him. What made you say these things to me tonight? Why did you decide to reveal them to me this way? Tell me, why am I deserving of such treatment?

Speaker 3:

Because we are unable to hurt you. God's promises are eternal and they are untouched. The day you were baptized and became his child, we were immediately limited to the activity we may throw upon you.

Speaker 2:

Romans, chapter 8, verses 38 and 39 Break it down this way For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus, our Lord.

Speaker 3:

We are completely defenseless against this protection Mark. We cannot move inwards with it. Luke, chapter 10, verse 19, validates it.

Speaker 2:

Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. But why, please tell me? Why are you letting me know these things? Why me? Is not this a weapon against your own attacks? It makes no sense at all. It makes no sense to me. I just don't get it.

Speaker 1:

Why, and as Mark waited for his reply, a large, loud and ungodly growl filled the room they were in and the entity vanished. Mark felt his chest pounding and his breath shortening as he ran towards the door, leaving behind the old wooden house in Salinas and his ghost-hunting days behind him. We know nothing of what happened to Mark after this event, although many people that knew him spoke of a novel he wrote concerning his encounter with the Salinas entity. He became a preacher of the dangers of this field and how God had permitted this experience to find him in order to teach others until his death. And thanks to his work, we now know that he is not gone. He simply rests easy until called upon, our almighty God In Jesus' name, amen.

Speaker 2:

Thank you.