Thoughtful in The Dark
My interest in writing dates back to my middle school years. I recall filling entire notebooks with information. Among the material I wrote are stories, points of view, anecdotes, and personal experiences that have shaped my life and continue to do so. Later, and during my college years, I decided to publish the material as a blog. As a result of accumulating a large following as well as positive feedback and petitions, I ventured into the world of podcasting. I transformed my written content into an audio experience for each episode. It is here that you have found me, and I will remain there so long as you find my work interesting. It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to my creative realm and into the depths of my unpredictable thoughts. Hope you enjoy! — Ralph
Thoughtful in The Dark
El Beso de Daciana
El Beso de Daciana es una historia corta, compuesta por dos partes, El Beso de Daciana y El Vampiro Nelu. Es una historia que redacte una tarde lluviosa aquí en mi bella isla. Es una historia ficticia de terror, pero mezclada con eventos históricos reales. Agradezco la participación de mi hermana, Evelyn Cortes, como talento en la voz de Daciana. ¡Espero que te guste!
The Kiss of Daciana is a short story, made up of two parts, The Kiss of Daciana and The Vampire Nelu. It is a story that I wrote during a rainy afternoon here on my beautiful island. It is a fictional horror story, but mixed with real historical events. I appreciate the participation of my sister, Evelyn Cortes, as the talent in the voice of Daciana. I hope you like it!