Thoughtful in The Dark

Stern - A Short Poem for The Frustrated

Ralph Cortes Season 4 Episode 6

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It is not easy to feel frustrated. In these circumstances, we experience hurt feelings, lose energy and, sadly, become demotivated. We understand what it means to be stern. In this short poem, I attempt to overcome those feelings. It encapsulates my entire attitude towards it. I hope you like it! — Ralph 

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In shadows cast by fleeting dreams,
I grasp at threads of hope, it seems.
Yet tangled knots of doubt persist,
A tempest raging in my chest.

The clock ticks on, relentless, cruel,
As patience wanes, a stubborn mule.
Each obstacle a heavy weight,
My spirit strained, my heart irate.

But still, I fight against the tide,
Resolve unyielding, deep inside.
For even in this maddening strife,
I find the seeds of strength and life.

The moon weeps silver tears above,
A witness to my restless love.
And though frustration's flames may burn,
I'll rise anew, undaunted, stern.

So let the storms rage wild and free,
I'll find my calm amidst the sea.
For every trial, a lesson learned,
And in my heart, resilience earned.